
MA Studio

Prof. Brett Yasko







After Effects





Yujin Lee

Jiyu Kwag

Zoe So


Concept Ideation

Design Research

Brand Identity

UI/UX Design


Motion Design

“Repurposed”, a local nonprofit thrift store in South Pennsylvania, operates with a noble mission to support survivors of human trafficking. Despite its good cause, the store faced significant challenges, primarily due to a lack of funding and minimal staff, which hindered its operational effectiveness and community presence. Our team identified an opportunity to make a meaningful difference through visual communication. The goal was to enhance Repurposed's visual identity and outreach, thereby boosting its community presence and, ultimately, securing more funding to support its mission.

As part of our mission to leverage visual communication for a meaningful cause, our team sought a local yet mid-sized organization where our expertise could make a difference. Our criteria were specific: the organization had to be approachable for direct collaboration, established enough to have a clear understanding of its customer base, and most importantly, one that promoted sustainability.

We chose "Repurposed," a nonprofit thrift store with a noble mission. It supports survivors of human trafficking and domestic violence in Pennsylvania, offering street outreach and a safe home for women in crisis. This alignment with our values and vision made "Repurposed" the ideal candidate for our project, offering us a unique opportunity to make a tangible impact through our skills in visual communication.


Nov - Dec 2023
(1 month)


Field Research: 5Ws + 1H

Field Research: AEIOU Framework

Field Research Photos

  • Exterior image of “Repurposed”

  • We got to interview Arlene, the oldest staff, at “Repurposed” who sorts linens and curtains

  • We wrote a letter to Gary, the store manager, if we could help “Repurposed” with visual communication

When we asked Gary if we could help “Repurposed” with visual communication.
  • Disorganized items & hard-to-read interior signage

  • A brochure we received when we first visited

Concept Ideation


Competitive Analysis

Solution Ideation




  • Low Business Awareness: Difficulty in attracting community attention due to limited visibility.

  • Store Navigation: Challenges in in-store customer experience and layout clarity.

  • Mission Communication: Insufficient emphasis on the store's mission and values to visitors.

  • Information Access: Lack of accessible, detailed information about the organization for potential supporters.

Root Cause Analysis

We discovered that the key challenge for "Repurposed" was a lack of funding, leading to inadequate staffing and an inconsistent visual design system.

In response to the identified challenges at "Repurposed," our team developed a comprehensive strategy focusing on enhancing visibility, improving customer experience, and effectively communicating the store's mission and values. Our approach involved a multifaceted design and digital intervention, tailored to not only increase the store's presence in the community but also to make information about its noble cause more accessible and engaging. This holistic solution package aimed to transform both the physical and digital experience of "Repurposed," ensuring that every aspect of interaction with the store was meaningful and impactful.

  • Enhancing Visibility and Awareness: To tackle the issue of low business awareness, we focused on creating high-impact visual elements that would attract and retain community attention.

  • Optimizing Store Navigation: Recognizing the importance of customer experience, our solutions included redesigning the store layout and signage for a more intuitive and pleasant shopping experience.

  • Amplifying Mission Communication: To ensure that the store's mission resonated strongly with visitors, we integrated this message cohesively across all design elements.

  • Improving Information Accessibility: Understanding the need for accessible information, our strategy encompassed digital solutions to provide detailed insights into the organization for supporters and customers alike.


We detailed the 9 specific deliverables that encompassed these strategic solutions, starting from promotional materials before they walk into the store, what they are experiencing during shopping, and what artifacts they can take with them after they leave.

9 Deliverables

  1. Brand Identity

  2. Logo

  3. Posters

  4. Environmental Graphics

  5. Interior Signage

  6. Physical Artifacts:
    Brochure, Price Tag

  7. Merchandise

  8. Website

  9. Mobile App

Brand Signature Patterns

In this project phase, we crafted distinctive shape patterns, integral to our brand identity.
Extracted from items in the store, these patterns capture the essence of our diverse offerings.
These foundational elements are woven into our deliverables, creating a cohesive visual language that enhances our brand experience.

  1. Brand Identity

Our brand identity tells a meaningful story, embodying what "Repurposed" stands for and represents to the community.

2. Logo

We developed two distinct logo variations. The first features blobby elements, extracted from our specially designed category shapes, showcasing a more organic and dynamic aesthetic. The second logo is a refined, organized version, tailored for use on the website for a clean and professional look.

3. Posters

These are crafted for effective visual communication, aiming to spread the store's presence and attract attention.

4. Environmental Graphics

  • Brochure

  • Price tags

7. Merchandise

6. Physical Artifacts

We envisioned people carrying a piece of 'Repurposed' down the streets, making these bags not just useful but also mobile advertisements for our store. we enjoyed experimenting with our unique shapes and logo. The checkerboard pattern on the bags draws inspiration from our design process, where we creatively crafted logo typefaces from our original shapes.

Utilizing the store's exterior walls, we created art that resonates with the brand identity, making the store more visible and inviting to passersby. We also redesigned external signage to capture the attention of passing drivers.

5. Interior Signage

We implemented clear and consistent signage inside the store, simplifying navigation and enhancing the shopping experience.

We developed a series of seven postcards to serve as brochures, each representing a different category.
Additionally, the price tags are designed to double as bookmarks, ensuring they too have a second life.
This ensures both brochures and price tags are not only sustainable but also functional, encouraging users to keep and repurpose them.

8. Website

Recognizing the challenges in staffing and funding at our thrift store, we initiated the launch of an online shopping platform.
This move aims to expand our reach to a broader audience and streamline operations, making the process more manageable for our dedicated staff.

  • Wireframe

  • 'Drag and drop' interaction: enabling customers to add items to their shopping cart in a fun and intuitive way. This enhances the online shopping experience, making it more engaging and user-friendly for our customers

  • We designed an interactive display where items from each category float on the screen. When a user clicks on an item, it flips to reveal a narrative about it, seamlessly integrating storytelling with shopping

  • Prototyping

  • High-fidelity:

9. Mobile App

The mobile app eases item registration for staff using AI and enhances in-store navigation for customers with a 3D guide,
simplifying the shopping experience in the complex store layout.

  • Staff view: Staff can easily scan an item, and the AI automatically categorizes it, making it ready for sale.

  • Customer view:

    • 'Find Items' summons a 3D character that guides users to the location of their desired item within the store.

    • 'Look Around' feature allows customers to experience AR signages when they view the store through their camera.

  • Prototyping

Colors and Typography

My Contribution

While we all closely worked together, these are the areas I particularly worked on:

Brand Identity and Conceptualization: I developed our brand's signature pattern shapes, drawing inspiration directly from items in the store to authentically represent it. Additionally, I conceptualized the visual narrative of our brand identity, introducing symbolic elements like the seed and hourglass to represent the potential of both items and survivors of human trafficking, and the passage of time to create new value.

Logo Development and Motion Graphics: Following the creation of the logo by my teammate Jiyu, which was based on the shapes I designed, I crafted a motion graphic to showcase the logo's development process using After Effects, bringing a dynamic visual representation of our brand evolution.

Functional Price Tags: In designing the price tags, I infused our signature shapes and reimagined their functionality to serve as bookmarks, encouraging reuse and aligning with our sustainability ethos.

Collaborative Merchandise Design: Working closely with Jiyu, we designed a variety of tote bags. Our aim was to capture the free-spirited and diverse essence of the thrift store, offering customers an array of choices that reflected the store's unique vibe.

Website and Mobile App Development: Jiyu and I collaborated from the initial wireframing to the creation of the high-fidelity website, where we innovated an intuitive 'drag and drop' interaction for an engaging user experience. Joined by Zoe in the prototyping phase, we worked together to bring this digital platform to life. In the mobile app development, I focused on enhancing in-store navigation through a 3D character in Adobe Aero, guiding customers to find items efficiently.

Team Communication: Beyond visual deliverables, I played a role in team communication. Initially, we encountered some challenges due to misunderstandings. Recognizing this, I adapted quickly to bridge these communication gaps. I took the initiative to visually interpret and illustrate our collective ideas during discussions, ensuring clarity, mutual understanding, and effective decision-making.


Achievements and Learnings

  1. The Power of Teamwork: Collaborating with my team was like weaving a rich tapestry of ideas – each person’s unique perspective added color and depth to our project. This experience has deepened my appreciation for the creative synergy that teamwork can bring.

  2. Making a Difference: Working with a local community and a real-world client committed to a meaningful cause was exceptionally fulfilling. It made me excited, knowing that our contributions could have a positive societal impact! This reinforced my belief in the transformative power of design, particularly for significant causes.

  3. Planning: The one-month timeframe was a challenge, especially coming up with 10 deliverables. We had no choice but to make a detailed plan on how we were going to finish everything successfully. This constraint encouraged us to be more strategic and intentional in our actions, enhancing our project management skills.

  4. Grateful!!!! : I am incredibly grateful for my team’s support. Their dedication and creativity were crucial to our achievement! I also want to thank Brett and Jessica, who always gave us insightful feedback and encouragement. They always motivated us to explore our abilities and strive for excellence, making us truly thrive!

Challenges and Areas for Improvement

  1. Embracing the Unexpected: Not everything went according to plan – unplanned store closures and conflicting schedules often threw us off track. These moments taught me the invaluable lesson of staying adaptable and resilient in the face of unpredictability.

  2. Juggling Responsibilities: Managing multiple projects at the same time was challenging. It taught me to find a balance and how important it is to have effective time management and prioritization.

  3. Areas for Improvement: Reflecting on these experiences, I realize the power of flexibility in planning. If I were to do this again, I’d build in more buffer time for those unexpected twists and include more frequent team check-ins to dynamically adapt our plans. This project has been a profound learning curve, shaping me into a more versatile and thoughtful professional.


Promise of Purity